1. Let's Talk about Repurposing or Remixing Your Content

I am collecting stories from nonprofits to use in the new book I am writing called "Content Marketing for Nonprofits: The So What, Who Cares Guide to Educating and Inspiring Supporters and Raising More Money."

I hope to include 100 different nonprofits in the book, so I would love to hear your story and examples. I'll be doing several surveys this year, so if these questions aren't a good match for you, wait for the next one.

Thanks for helping by sharing your story! ~ Kivi

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* 1. What is the estimated mix of new content versus repurposed content at your nonprofit in all of your communications overall?

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* 2. Which are the most common ways you repurpose or remix content within your organization (pick no more than 5)?

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* 3. Think of a time when you took one core piece of content that you had created and repurposed it into at least three different communications channels (channels are things like email, print, blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, video, etc.). Tell me how you did it -- what came first, second, third, etc. If possible, please share links to the examples.

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* 4. What's most challenging for you about repurposing or remixing your content?

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* 5. What tips or successes or words of wisdom can you share with others about repurposing your content?

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* 6. Anything else you'd like to add?

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* 7. The Legalese: I can't use your story unless you check YES!

I hereby grant to Kivi Leroux Miller and Jossey-Bass, An Imprint of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (“Publisher”) (and its parent company, affiliates, licenses, and assignees), the latter being the contemplated publisher of the Work, the right and permission to use, reuse, publish, and republish my name, photograph, likeness, and statements and comments made by me, in whole or in part, without prior review, in all formats of the Work and any derivative works, including without limitation electronic works and including for the purposes of sale, trade, promotion, or advertising.

I warrant the accounts told, written, or furnished by me are original with me and do not violate any copyright, personal, or proprietary right. I confirm that none of the information disclosed was acquired as a result of a confidential relationship or is treated as a trade secret.

I release you and Publisher from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that I might assert in connection with the above use or uses by Publisher.

I am over the age of 21. I have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents thereof.

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* 8. Please provide your contact information. If I use your story, I'll usually have follow-up questions for you and want to identify you correctly.