Center City Housing Survey

The City of Redmond is seeking resident opinions about housing in Redmond. The results will be used in preparing a strategy for increasing housing in Redmond's central neighborhoods.

The goals of this strategy are to: 1) promote development where infrastructure capacity already exists, 2) encourage development of housing products that meet the needs of residents, 3) make more productive use of underutilized land and buildings, and 4) provide a stronger customer base for businesses.

Thank you for sharing your opinion!

Question Title

* 1. What part of Redmond do you currently live in?

Question Title

* 2. Regardless of where you live now, in choosing your next home, how likely would you be to consider homes in each of the following neighborhoods:

  Would likely consider homes here Would possibly consider homes here Would be unlikely to consider homes here
Historic Downtown (north of Glacier Avenue, south of Antler Avenue, west of U.S. 97, east of West 9th Street)
Midtown (north of Antler Avenue, south of Greenwood, between U.S. 97 and West 7th Street
Medical District Area (north of Greenwood, south of Maple, between U.S. 97 and West 7th Street)
East Side (residential areas east of U.S. 97)
Another part of Redmond
An area outside of Redmond

Question Title

* 3. Regardless of where you are likely to choose to live next, how important would each of the following be in choosing the neighborhood of your next home?

  Very important Somewhat important Not very important
Safe walking or biking routes to schools, libraries, or parks.
Ability to walk to destinations such as grocery stores, shops, and restaurants.
Short driving distance to hospital or medical center.
Short commute
Appearance and level of upkeep of surrounding homes
Sense of safety
Affordability of homes
Mountain views
Privacy (distance from neighbors/road)
Low Noise Level

Question Title

* 4. How much would each of the following improvements increase your interest in living in central parts of Redmond?

  It would make the area much more attractive to me It would make the area somewhat more attractive to me It wouldn't make much difference
More sidewalks and bike paths
More parks and recreation options
More homes meeting my preferences/price point
Increased shopping/entertainment/restaurant options
More activities/special events for my household
Improved public safety
Improved appearance of neighborhoods

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* 5. Taking cost into consideration cost, how many bedrooms would you expect to seek in a new home?

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* 6. How much would you expect to pay in monthly rent or mortgage costs for your next home?

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* 7. Given your budget and household needs, what types of home would you be likely to consider purchasing or renting for your next residence?

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* 8. Do you expect to rent or buy your next home?