1. Recent Research-pilot evaluation

Since November 2009 National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC) has been piloting a new resource for health professionals, Recent Research. Recent Research is produced by NBOCC to highlight research of interest or potential significance featured in peer-reviewed publications.

We have now finished our 6 months pilot of Recent Research and are completing an evaluation of this resource.

We would greatly value your feedback on this resource by completing the following short evaluation survey

Question Title

* 1. Do you find Recent Research useful?

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* 2. How often do you access Recent Research?

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* 3. Do you consider the articles listed to be of interest or potential significance?

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* 4. Did this resource inform you of recent research that you were not previously aware of?

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* 5. Are you likely to recommend Research Recent to colleagues?

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* 6. What type of health professional are you?

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* 7. Would you like Recent Research to continue?

Question Title

* 8. Any other feedback?