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* 1. Name and Affiliation (optional)

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* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with this training workshop. (Please use the comments area below to explain your answer):

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* 3. How applicable were the topics covered in this workshop to your work?

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* 4. Do you feel you have a better understanding of how to apply on-page SEO tactics to your site and how to intergrate SEO into your work?

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* 5. How likely are you to begin implementing what you've learning right away?

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* 6. Please list specific tactics you intend to use on your site now that you've participated in this training course.

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* 7. Can you list one or two specific SEO-related goals you hope to accomplish in the next 6 months?

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* 8. What steps do you plan to take to spread "a culture of SEO" throughout your organization?

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* 9. Additional Comments. Please explain your ratings above or share any other feedback on how we can improve future training workshops.