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* 1. Do you use a paid tool to monitor social media metrics and engagement? Check all that apply.

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* 2. What online engagement metrics do you measure and track regularly? Check all that apply.

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* 3. What free tools do you use to monitor metrics and engagement? Check all that apply.

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* 4. If you use a Social CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) like Thrive or Highrise to keep track of online relationships with supporters on social networks, tell us what you like about it. What would you like to see improved?

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* 5. Do you track where donors are coming from when they make donations and take action on your website?

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* 6. What’s your biggest challenge related to advocacy, fundraising, and social media measurement/metrics?

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* 7. How much time do you spend monitoring social media channels and tracking metrics monthly? Check all that apply.

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* 8. Have you used 3rd party donation platforms? Check all you have used.

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* 9. If you have used 3rd party donation platforms, what did you think of them? What features did you like or dislike?

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* 10. What factors most affect your choice of 3rd party donation tools? Check all that apply.

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* 11. How helpful would each of the following be to your work as a nonprofit campaigner?

  not helpful meh neutral helpful got to have this!
A powerful social metrics tool that easily pulled the data that was important to your organization?
A workshop series to improve your organization's online communications strategy.
A better peer-to-peer fundraising tool.
A low cost content management system for your website with default options customized for the nonprofit community.

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* 12. How would you rate your email welcome series?

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* 13. Describe the emails you send to your supporters? Check all that apply.

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* 14. How often do you communicate with your email list?

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* 15. How often do you focus on growing your email list and acquiring new activists and donors?

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* 16. How effective are your web and email communications in facilitating online donations and actions?

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* 17. What areas of online engagement are you interested in learning more about? Check all that apply.

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* 18. Does your organization coordinate an online year-end fundraising campaign?

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* 19. What areas of online advocacy and online fundraising expertise do you need the most help with?

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* 20. Enter your email address here if you would like to be entered for one of our prizes. Each of our two prize winners will win their choice of the following ($100 Amazon gift credit, $100 donation to the charity of your choice, or an Amazon Kindle.) Please note that we respect your privacy. Your email address will never be shared with 3rd parties.