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* 1. How would you rate the conference overall?

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* 2. How would you rate the conference location and facilities at Georgian Court University?

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* 3. How would you rate the Environmental Awards session?

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* 4. Which workshop did you attend in Session I

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* 5. How would you rate the workshop you attended in Workshop Session I?

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* 6. What workshop did you attend in Session II

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* 7. How would you rate the workshop you attended in Session II?

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* 8. How would you rate our power point presentation "Governor Christie - THEN and NOW"

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* 9. How would you rate the plenary with Senator Barbara Buono?

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* 10. How would you rate breakfast?

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* 11. How would you rate lunch?

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* 12. How would you rate the Wine & Cheese Reception?

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* 13. Comments and Suggestions for Next Year