1. Informed Consent

Question Title

* 1. This study is being conducted to investigate MOTHERS' feelings and attitudes. (Fathers are not invited to participate in this particular study.) Mothers must have AT LEAST 1 GIFTED CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF 18 TO PARTICIPATE. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. Anyone may withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason. There is no penalty for not participating or for withdrawing. The personal benefits for participation include contributing to psychological knowledge on this topic.

Your answers to these questions will be completely anonymous. No personally identifying information is requested at any time, and none of the individual data obtained from this study will become a part of your child's school record.

There are no foreseeable risks to participation. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Mount St. Mary’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). This study will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. All questions must be answered at the same time; because the survey is anonymous, you will not be allowed to stop and return to the survey.

This study is being conducted by Dr. Marcia McKinley of the Department of Psychology at Mount St. Mary’s University. She may be reached at (301)447-5394 or mckinley@msmary.edu for questions or concerns. You may also contact Dr. Bob Keefer, Chair of the Psychology Department and the IRB, at (301)447-5394 if you have any questions or comments regarding your rights as a participant in this research.

Please indicate below that you consent to participating in this research.