Local History and Community Engagement Survey

Please take a moment to answer the following brief questions about your library’s role in the community as relates to local history. We are conducting this survey in advance of a roll-out of programming in collaboration with Maine Historical Society over the next couple of years. Please respond by March 6th at 5pm.

As an incentive for completing the survey, your name will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $10 gift certificates to the Maine Historical Society museum store in Portland. Names will be drawn following the survey deadline.

Thank you for your time!

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* 1. Library Name:

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* 2. Library Director's Name:

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* 3. Director's Email:

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* 4. Does your library have a current relationship with historical organizations in your community?

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* 5. Does your library have a staff member or volunteer working on one of the following? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Is your town celebrating an incorporation anniversary in the near future?

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* 7. If you answered 'Yes' to question 6, please tell us what the anniversary is (e.g. 200th, 250th, etc.) and when it is taking place (month and year).

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* 8. Is the library involved in any of the planning for the upcoming anniversary?

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* 9. Does your library have a standard day and time for public programs? If so, what is the schedule (e.g. 3rd Thursday at 7PM; Sundays at 2PM, etc.).

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* 10. Does your library have community event space for 20 or more people?

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* 11. Would your library consider hosting (i.e. provide space and logistical support, actively promote, and possibly offer light refreshments) a participatory community history event offered by the Maine Historical Society, the Maine State Library, and local historical organizations sometime in the spring, summer or fall of this year?