Welcome to My Survey

25% of survey complete.
Thank you for participating in this survey; your feedback is invaluable!

For those of you who don't know me, I am Kiyah Duffey, a nutritional epidemiologist and mother of three young kids. I am also the creator of Kizingo (key-ZING-go), a company whose mission it is to give kids control over their own eating.

Over the last couple of decades, we have learned a lot about child feeding practices and how to promote development of healthy eating habits during the critical period of transition to solid foods. Infants are born with the innate ability to know when they are hungry and full. When parents and caregivers start feeding them instead - which typically happens during this transition because kids are messy eaters! - these "I'm full" signals are often missed, and kids' loose the ability to regulate their food intake. This, we know, can contribute to overeating later in life.  

Kizingo products are designed to change that by offering products that allow parents to confidently put control back in their kids' hands.   

Your answers to these questions will help me find the best way to communicate all this information to consumers. Thank you for answering all questions that are applicable. If you have not purchased children's utensils, think about another feeding product (bowl, cup, etc) you have purchased recently and answer the questions accordingly.  

A huge THANK YOU for your time and feedback.
