Dear ISB Community,
When we set the school calendar on an annual basis, we receive input from a parent committee, a faculty group and classified staff representatives.
Periodically (every 6 or so years) we survey the wider school community to get additional input and to make sure we are in sync with community wishes. Parents, students (a sample), teachers and Classified Staff will be surveyed.
As the Leadership Team prepares for the 2015/16 school calendar, we would be grateful if you could complete this brief survey.
When making your selections, please consider the impact your choice may have on student learning and student/staff wellness.

But first some considerations:
1. There must be 182 “learning days” (these include parent conferences)
2. Typically, we have a one-week holiday in October, a three-week Winter holiday, and a one- week holiday in April.
3. Typically, school begins immediately following HM Queen’s birthday (12th August) on 13th August. This can change slightly if HM birthday falls on a weekend and the Monday is deemed a “make up” holiday.
4. Semester 2 is longer than Semester 1 (usually 97 to 85 days). This has an impact on semester length courses in MS and HS.
5. We try to schedule at least one long weekend each semester.
6. To maximize our longer breaks and to ensure continuity in learning, we do open school on some Thai holidays.
7. IB Exams take place in May each year and we try to maximize learning days before the exams.