The world is changing…… generating opportunities to do things differently, authentically and with real imagination. ImaginativeHR ( creatively aligns organisational, team & individual interests for a new world - ‘Brave HR’.

At the heart of this, we are assembling an international HR-to-HR volunteer mentoring network – which is where you come in! Would you like to engage in some imaginative thinking with us and other HR professionals? Please complete this quick survey and help us to understand more about you.

(Your individual responses will be treated in the greatest confidence)
This mini questionnaire contains 21 questions and should take around 10 minutes to complete. Given our responsibility to furnish our mentees with accurate information about volunteer mentors we work with, all questions will require an answer. Thank you !!

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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name / surname?

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* 3. What is your preferred email address?

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* 4. What is your preferred contact telephone number? (Please include country code)

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* 5. What is your LinkedIn profile address? (Please say 'NA' if you are not currently a LinkedIn user)

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* 6. What is your Skype address? (Please say 'NA' if you are not currently a Skype user)

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* 7. What is your current job title?

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* 8. Who is your employer?

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* 9. How long have you been in HR?

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* 10. Which country do you live in?

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* 11. Which city do you live in?

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* 12. What language do you mainly speak at home?

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* 13. What other languages do you speak?

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* 14. How good is your English?

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* 15. What HR qualifications / accreditations do you have?

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* 16. What other qualifications / accreditations do you have?

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* 17. Do you have previous mentoring and/or coaching experience?

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* 18. Are you a qualified / accredited coach?

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* 19. Why are you interested in being a mentor?

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* 20. Can you please force-rank your level of expertise in each of the following professional HR areas; 1 being most expertise and 10 being least expertise, (we realise that force-ranking may be difficult to do, but please persevere ! :-)

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* 21. What would you consider to be your best moment to date in HR?

Thank you for providing your details to ImaginativeHR. These details will be stored confidentially, and will be used purely a) for matching you to a potential mentee / mentees, and b) for updating you on the progress of ImaginativeHR's volunteer mentor program, and related HR community development initiatives. Under no circumstances will your details be passed on to third parties.

Please press the 'DONE' button below to complete the survey.

We look forward to contacting you shortly, and to collaborating with you to develop the next generation of international HR professionals. Feel free, in the meantime, to join the ImaginativeHR Group on LinkedIn.



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ImaginativeHR - Tel: ++44 (0)845 548 4321

ImaginativeHR - Tel: ++44 (0)845 548 4321