Background to this survey

The iHV has been funded by Health Education England to develop an education, training and support programme for all health visitors. This survey will inform the development of the Making the Most of Health Visiting programme.

Please note we have already sent a survey to your staff. This survey is intended for completion by service leads/ managers.

Your response to this survey will enable us to:
• Develop a curriculum for continuing professional development and create a central online directory of quality approved training and resources.
• Establish regional networks linked to Communities of Practice and the iHV to enable access to learning and support for all health visitors.
• Identify and recommend a support framework to support resilience for your staff in day to day practice.

The results of the survey are central to how we will develop and deliver the programme - it is vital we know what you think is important for your staff. If you feel that this survey would be better completed by a colleague please pass it on to them.

It contains a total of 10 questions and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. We are very grateful for your time and input.