Dear teacher,

Please take a few minutes to answer to the following questionnaire. This form is designed in order to collect valuable background information after your work in Go-Lab. Focus is given on various aspects of teaching and learning in your school: knowledge of teaching science, knowledge of instructional approaches and technologies i.e. your pedagogical experience related to computer supported inquiry learning, general technical skills.

The questionnaire filled in by a particular participant will be connected in a single portfolio using the code.

Thank you.

ILSs is the abbreviation for inquiry learning spaces
LMS is the abbreviation for Learning Management Systems

Question Title

* 1. Teacher code
(to fill in the form please create the code in the following form: PP3XXsurname, where PP3 is the Pilot Cycle and XX is the country, e.g. Netherlands = NL i.e PP3NLDeJong

Question Title

* 2. How have you used Go-Lab:

Question Title

* 3. If you selected B. which ILS did you use?

Question Title

* 4. If you selected C. which ILS did you create? (please provide URL)

Question Title

* 5. Your experience in teaching science.
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neither Agree or Disagree 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree
5.1. I have experience in using ICTs when teaching science in my class, e.g. for registration to different. platforms, finding resources/learning materials, performing online scientific experiments with students, etc.
5.2. I have sufficient knowledge about science (Biology or Physics or Chemistry or Geology). to teach my science classes.
5.3 I know how to assess students’ performance in a classroom.
5.4 I am aware of the different approaches for teaching and assessing science (Biology or Physics or Chemistry or Geology) in a classroom setting.
5.5 I can select effective teaching approaches to guide students active (learning by doing) and cooperative learning in science (Biology or Physics or Chemistry or Geology).
5.6 I have been trained to use different technologies that can be used for learning science (Biology or Physics or Chemistry or Geology).
5.7 I can adapt the use of the technologies that I am learning about to different teaching activities.
5.8 I can choose technologies that enhance the content for a science lesson.
5.9 I have experience in designing lessons that combine science, technologies, and teaching approaches appropriately.

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the following statements regarding your technological skills:
New tools and technologies: a whiteboard, an LMS (like e.g. Blackboard), simulations, online labs, etc

  1: I can’t do this 2: I can do this with some assistance 3: I can do this independently 4: I can teach others how to do this
6.1. Use of authoring tools (e.g., web page editors like Adobe Dreamweaver, CoffeCup etc.)
6.2. Use of online repositories of educational material.
6.3. Use of online laboratories and simulations.

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate which of the following scenarios promotes inquiry related skills for students.

  1: Yes 2: No
7.1. Having students follow a procedure to complete a lab activity or experimentation.
7.2. Having students use graphics on the Internet to explain how gas molecules move.
7.3. Having students make presentations of data collected during lab activity or experimentation.
7.4. A class discussion about the arrangement of the periodic table.

Question Title

* 8. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding inquiry based science?

  1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neither Agree or Disagree 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree
8.1. Even if I try very hard, I will not be able to teach inquiry-based science, as well as I will through other approaches
8.2. I know how to explain to students how to conduct inquiry-based science
8.3. I will continually find better ways to teach inquiry based science

Question Title

* 9. How often are you using the following parts of Go-Lab:

  Daily Weekly Monthly Less than monthly
The authoring facility

Question Title

* 10. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Neither Agree or Disagree 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree 6: N/A
10.1. I believe that the instructional components of an ILS (inquiry phases, information about them and student scaffolds) support the performance of my students
10.2. My navigation in the Go-Lab portal is clear and understandable
10.3. I could easily create an ILS myself
10.4. I could easily adapt the ILS I found on the Go-Lab portal
10.5. I enjoy using the Go-Lab portal.
10.6. I expect my use of Go-Lab to continue in the future

Question Title

* 11. How useful/not useful did you find the following components of Go-Lab and why?

  1: not at all useful 2: not much useful 3: neither useful or not useful 4: a little useful 5: veru useful
11.1. Authoring tool
11.2. Repository of online laboratories
11.3. ILSs

Question Title

* 12. In your opinion, which is the most useful component of the Go-Lab portal for science teachers and why?

Question Title

* 13. In your opinion, which is the least useful component of the Go-Lab portal for science teachers and why?