Wellbeing is about how things are going for children and young people in their lives.

Eight words describe what things looks like when it’s going well – whether children and young people are;
Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.

These are sometimes referred to as ‘indicators of wellbeing’.
We want to know if parents and carers think we’re getting it right for their children.

Please tell us what you think about your child’s experiences both in their school or nursery and also in the wider community.

Your responses will help us identify what’s going well and if there are any areas we could improve on to make school a better experience for your child.

Below, you will find a questionnaire relating to the information above. Consider each statement and what it means to you and your child’s experience at school. Decide which number from 1 to 5 best matches your overall thinking and then select the relevant number. Read the statements carefully.