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Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following:

  Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Strongly Agree N/A
I communicate clearly my expectations to my reps including sales targets
You execute a methodical series of sales rep engagements to review these expectations
Your team members are aware of the cadence of these engagements and know what is expected of them
Your team members are aware of the specific coaching sessions and know what is expected of them
Prior to a coaching event, you establish an agenda with topics to be discussed clearly defined
You have a well understood coaching process that is aligned to the grow model
You ensure that your reps know and agree exactly what the opportunities for development/ improvement are
You ensure that your reps know what the corrective action is and that they take ownership for its execution
You ensure that your reps have access to resources to enable the corrective action
You follow up on each coaching session to ensure that the corrective action has been executed
You are skilled at conducting a sales planning coaching session
You are skilled at conducting a pipeline coaching session
You are skilled at conducting a merchant planning coaching session
You are skilled at conducting a Game Changer / 7 step coaching session

Question Title

* 2. What would you like to get out of the Game Changer Manager Coaching training?