Proposed new Annex to the IEA EBC: National Energy and Buildings Questionnaire

Seeking Collaboration

We are seeking to establish interest in the formation of this new annex to the IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) Implementing Agreement.  The Annex will focus on the analyses of real building energy use at scale and the emerging field of energy epidemiology which seeks to develop robust approaches to such analyses.

The purpose of the annex is to support member countries in the task of developing realistic transition pathways to dramatic reductions in energy use and carbon emissions associated with their buildings by:

1.    Establishing best practice in the methods used for gathering and analysing real building energy use data
2.    Comparing across the national approaches to developing building stock data sets and building stock models to identify lessons that can be shared
3.    Evaluating the scope for using real building energy use data at scale to inform policy making and to support industry in the development of low energy and low carbon solutions

The first step in preparing an annex is for each country to complete a Technology Readiness Level Assessment (TRLA).  However, since the subject of energy epidemiology cannot easily be compared to the development of a new technology we have decided to take a slightly different approach.

Instead of a TRLA we have developed a questionnaire that addresses the current situation in each country.  The questionnaire is set out below and we ask respondents to provide responses to each question as far as they are able and to indicate the level of confidence they have in their answers.

Questions to establish the situation in each country

Figure 1 illustrates an idealised systems in which a national building stock model which builds off empirical data, field trails and sub-group surveys to inform policy making and the development and deployment of new products and designs for new buildings and retrofit. Such a model could inform the development of national transition pathways to deep energy and carbon reduction targets.

It is not expect that any country is yet operating this idealised system but many will be employing elements of the system in their national programmes for energy and carbon reduction.  This questionnaire aims to establish the ‘state of play’ in countries that may be interested in participating in this annex.  It has been developed as alternative to the conventional Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment which has proven extremely difficult to adapt for the subject of this annex.  The questionnaire seeks information from each country in relation to the following parts:

A.     National building stock models
B.     Availability of energy and buildings data
C.     Field trials and demonstration projects (testing new designs and products)
D.     Sub-group surveys (gathering data and information from existing buildings)

We have set out below a series of questions that we would ask you to answer to the extent of your knowledge and understanding and where necessary to supplement your understanding with that of colleagues from within and outside your organisation.

Please provide your responses using the questions set out in the following above four survey parts.

If you have any questions regarding the completion of this questionnaire please contact:
Ian Hamilton, UCL Energy Institute,, tel: +44 (0)203 108 5982

Question Title

Idealized operation of a National Building Stock Model

Idealized operation of a National Building Stock Model