Welcome to West Midlands Steel Survey

The West Midlands Metals and Materials Forum – powered by Black Country Economic Intelligence Unit and Black Country Chamber of Commerce – are seeking more information on the supply, use and future of steel to West Midlands manufacturers / other users.
Steel is a critical material in our everyday lives, with its manufacture, process and use still central to the UK economy, particularly in the West Midlands. But the industry is at a crossroads, with deep problems in the sustainable production of UK steel, lack of competitive access to foreign imports, and the need to transition to net zero through green steel and other decarbonisation methods such as recycling. These are threats and opportunities to the many West Midlands businesses that use steel.
The West Midlands Metals and Materials Forum is therefore collecting more evidence from business on these changes, specifically to...
  • understand the impact of recent steel import quotas / tariffs
  • consider the demand for greater UK-based production of certain metal grades; and
  • consider the demand and need for greater investment in green transition, providing a possible influence to future investment and production decision-making.

This reflects our longer-term ambition to, working closely with industry, reduce the reliance of UK industry on imports, contributing to a more self-sufficient local and national economy, through the meeting of demand with supply. We will use the information to inform wider discussions / lobby with local and national policymakers.
If you would like to ask any questions about the survey or the wider work, please contact:

Jon Gray at Black Country Chamber of Commerce: jongray@blackcountrychamber.co.uk or

Charlie Hopkirk at Black Country Economic Intelligence Unit: charlie_hopkirk@blackcountryconsortium.co.uk
7% of survey complete.