
33% of survey complete.
The Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina is committed to God's people represented in many races, ethnicities, languages, genders, religions and abilities. Diversity matters and is in the forefront of everything we do as an organization and in the decisions we make as a funder.

The Leadership in Diversity Award, created by the Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina, recognizes an organization that illustrates exemplary performance in the area of diversity and inclusion. The award is intended to honor those that serve as a model and whose accomplishments are made through community engagement, awareness, bridge building, compassionate leadership and courageous advocacy. Leadership in Diversity Award recipients demonstrate a commitment to cultural awareness and are steering the successful integration of diversity, equity and fairness principles into practices. The Foundation is committed to addressing the needs of the poor and underserved in all 46 South Carolina counties, and strategically uses resources to reduce poverty through action, advocacy and leadership. The Leadership in Diversity Award illustrates the Foundation’s commitment to working with and among diverse populations and recognizing those who have championed diversity through their actions and leadership.


The organization should meet the criteria for the Leadership In Diversity Award. Additionally, the organization should currently reside in South Carolina and practice diversity and inclusion in the state. You may not nominate the organization you work for.