Question Title

* 1. Which of the following devices do you most often use to connect to the Internet?

Question Title

* 2. Where are you most often when you use the Internet?

Question Title

* 3. Not including work or media streaming, about how much time do you spend a day on the internet?

Question Title

* 4. What six(6) sites do you frequently browse if you want news, you’re bored, and or you’re looking for something?

Question Title

* 5. If you find yourself distracted from your original path/work/whatever you’re supposed to be doing, you’re usually doing what/on what site? (ex. browsing _________ on _____________, playing ___________ on ____________, watching _______________ on __________, talking to ______________ on ____________, writing ______________ on _________. )

Question Title

* 6. Which social network do you use most often?

Question Title

* 7. Considering your response to the previous question, what do you primarily use that site for?

Question Title

* 8. About how many of your "friends" on Facebook have you met in person?

Question Title

* 9. About how many of your "followers" on Twitter have you met in person?

Question Title

* 10. How often do you use Facebook/Twitter to connect to an app/site/game/etc?

Question Title

* 11. What kind of people do you follow on Twitter, based on quantity?

  None of this kind of user A few of this kind of user A bunch of this kind of user A lot/almost all of this kind of user
Adult Friends
News Sites
Romantic/Love/Pornographic related twitter accounts
High School friends
Work Professionals
Meme/Joke/Comedy/Parody accounts
College Friends

Question Title

* 12. Which social network are you most likely to share posts or news articles on? (not including personal thoughts, personal photos/videos, etc)

Question Title

* 13. How often do you share posts/articles/news on social networks?

Question Title

* 14. When you share a post, how to you usually go about it?

Question Title

* 15. Do you find yourself enjoying some things online that you wouldn’t share on social networks?

Question Title

* 16. What reason(s) would you not share a post?

Question Title

* 17. Would you be more likely to repost/share something you found randomly and really liked, or something a close friend posted that you only like a little?

Question Title

* 18. Do you post things based on how widely you think it will be liked/shared?

Question Title

* 19. How do you feel when you post something and no one shares or likes it? How does this compare with how you feel when you post something that gets many likes/shares?

Question Title

* 20. Where did you initially hear about the Malaysian plane disappearing?

Question Title

* 21. Can you explain your last answer further? From whom exactly did you find out (friend's name, site name, etc.)?

Question Title

* 22. What are the first five(5) news sites you can think of?

Question Title

* 23. What do you most expect to get from news sites. Why do you view them?

Question Title

* 24. What do you value most in post from a news site? (rate order)

  Very Important Important Moderately Important Somewhat Important Not Important at all
Who posted/reposted
Where it was posted
Has a few shares
Site loyalty
Catchy headline
Site design
Has a lot of shares
Actual news content
Personal entertainment/interest

Question Title

* 25. How often do you post controversial news/photos/videos/ideas that may or may not create uncomfortable feelings for others

Question Title

* 26. When Facebook or Twitter changes their page design around, what is your initial reaction? (Feelings, thoughts, frustrations, etc.)

Question Title

* 27. What is your primary email address? (So we can contact you if you win!)

NOTE: Your contact info will not be directly associated with your answers. We will be drawing randomly from a list of contacts.