Manuals for the 2016 Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) summer reading themes will ship in fall 2015. The 2016 themes are "On Your Mark, Get Set, Read" (children/early literacy); "Get in the Game: Read" (teens); "Exercise Your Mind" (adults). The purpose of this survey is to collect changes in your preferences for delivery of the 2016 CSLP manuals.  Skip any questions that don't apply to you.

Question Title

* Your contact information:

Question Title

* Contact info of person who should receive the manual shipment (if different from 2015 manual mailing label):

Each basic manual set includes the paper manual for early literacy, children's, teen, and adult programs, plus 3 DVDs. Each DVD contains ALL the materials for all 4 programs. Libraries that have separate departments can provide a DVD each to their children's, teen, and adult services departments using one manual set.  Ordinarily, the State Library supplies one manual set for each library building (main and branches) in a system.  An alternate format is available; see below.

Question Title

* If you require a different number of manual sets than the number you received for 2015, how many manuals do you need?

The manual is available in three formats:
* Looseleaf-binder-ready paper with 3 identical DVDs
* Set of 3 DVDs only
* Set of 3 CD-ROMs. This is a special-order item for libraries that are unable to use the DVD because of library computer requirements.  You may receive the CD-ROMs with the paper manual.  If you prefer, you may choose to receive the CD-ROMs only and save paper.

Question Title

* Please indicate how many of each format you require:

Thank you very much! Please click "Done" to submit.  You will be redirected to the CSLP website.