Scoring Guide

Welcome to California Human Resources (CalHR) Competency Self-Assessment for Managers and Supervisors. Results of the survey will be used to develop workforce planning strategies to support CalHR employees. Thank you for your participation in this important process.

Please print this page before you proceed to the rest of the survey. The rating scales will serve as a reference while you complete the survey.
Please rate yourself on each of the competencies in terms of skill level, frequency and importance using the scales provided below. Please use your own first-hand knowledge of the job to rate each of the competencies based upon the tasks you perform in your current job assignment. Refer to the behavioral indicators listed for examples of each competency.

SKILL LEVEL: Your level of experience demonstrating each competency:
Not Skilled: I have not learned this skill.
Minimally Skilled: I have little experience demonstrating this competency and need substantial direction to perform it effectively.
Somewhat skilled: I have some experience demonstrating this competency but still need guidance.
Skilled: I have a good amount of experience demonstrating this competency independently.
Very skilled: I always demonstrate this competency and could provide guidance/training to others.

FREQUENCY: How often you typically demonstrate the competency based on behavioral indicators listed.
Does Not Apply: These tasks are not essential functions of my job, or I do not perform these tasks.
Less Than Once A Month: I perform these tasks at least one time a year, but less than once a month (includes Quarterly).
Monthly: I perform these tasks at least one time a month, but less than once in a typical week.
Weekly: I perform these tasks once to several times each week, but less than once a day. day.
Daily: I perform these tasks one or more times a day.

IMPORTANCE: Importance of effectively demonstrating the competency for successful performance of your job? The degree to which the competency represents a fundamental task or duty of the job, rather than a marginal or trivial task or duty.
Does Not Apply: These tasks are NOT ESSENTIAL functions my job, or are not performed on the job, or are trivial to my job. An inability to perform these tasks has NO EFFECT on job performance.
Moderately Important: Satisfactory performance of these tasks is MODERATELY IMPORTANT to successful job performance. An inability to perform these tasks WILL AFFECT my job performance, however it will NOT lead to failure on the job.
Important: Satisfactory performance of these tasks is IMPORTANT to successful job performance. An inability to perform these tasks will have a NOTICEABLE EFFECT on my job performance resulting in an inability to perform some aspects of the job.
Very Important: Satisfactory performance of these tasks is VERY IMPORTANT to successful job performance. An inability to perform these tasks will HIGHLY IMPACT my job performance and may result in negative consequences to the department, the public and other constituencies.
Critical: Satisfactory performance of these essential tasks is CRITICAL to successful job performance. An inability to perform these tasks will lead to SIGNIFICANT FAILURE on my job that will negatively affect the department, the public and other constituencies.