Question Title

* 1. Information and Consent

Having urges for a drug is an important aspect in the maintenance of addiction and dependence. The aim of this project is to develop a questionnaire which can assess someone's level of urges for codeine. This information could then be used by clinicians to offer advice and support about that individual's personal experience of codeine medication use. It is important for this research to capture the experience of both people who feel they may be addicted as well as those who are not. So no matter how much codeine you use (or for what reason) you are able to participate. Your support is very much appreciated.

To participate and support this research you have to complete a short questionnaire about your codeine use which should take less than 10 minutes to complete. You will not be asked to give your name and your answers will remain completely anonymous. The data collected in this study will be stored securely and only the researchers will have access to it. By selecting yes (below) you are agreeing to the following:

1. I can confirm that I have been made fully aware of the study

2. I understand that taking part is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason

3. I understand that I will receive a debrief sheet at the end offering further information

4. I agree to take part in the above study

Do you agree to the above?