This graduation survey asks about your co-curricular experiences while a student at the University of Maryland and your plans for the future. By completing this survey, you are helping us evaluate whether our current programs are serving students' needs and enabling us to provide more opportunities for future students.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

Question Title

* 2. University ID # (not SSN)

Question Title

* 3. Expected Date of Graduation


Question Title

* 4. Address

Question Title

* 5. City, State & Zip

Question Title

* 6. Phone number

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* 7. Email (other than “” or "" address)

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Question Title

* 8. While an undergraduate student, did you participate in an on-campus research internship with a faculty member?

Question Title

* 9. While an undergraduate student, did you participate in an off-campus research experience?

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* 10. While an undergraduate student, did you have a non-research, career-related internship or job (e.g. working for a company related to your career objectives, teaching, community service, etc.)?

If you do NOT plan to enroll in a degree-granting program within the
next year, please skip to question #15.

Question Title

* 13. If you have committed to enroll at a specific institution, list it here.

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* 14. If you have been accepted to one or more institutions, but have not yet decided which one you will attend, list them all here.

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* 16. If you know where you are going to work or pursue post-graduate training, please give the name of the institution, organization or company.

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* 17. While enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, did you work on a team-based project involving an innovation, invention, or solution to a real-world problem?

If No, please skip to question #20.

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* 18. If you answered Yes in #17, was it part of a class?

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* 19. Do you plan to pursue the concept indicated in #17 after graduation?

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* 20. While enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, did you develop a business model, develop a business plan, or start a business (may be related to project in #17 above)

If No, please skip to question #24.

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* 21. If you answered Yes in #20, was it part of a class?

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* 22. If you answered Yes in #20, what was the name of your business?

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* 23. If you answered Yes in #20, is it still in business or do you plan to pursue the concept after graduation?

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* 24. What were the two most meaningful/valuable undergraduate courses that you had? Why were these courses especially meaningful or valuable?

Question Title

* 25. Rate the following skills in terms of importance to you in your undergraduate education. The word discipline, used below, refers to your major field of study (e.g., chemistry, biology, mathematics).

  1 (Not Important) 2 3 4 5  (Extremely Important)
Working in groups
Writing for a scholarly or professional audience
Memorizing some basic facts
Acquiring major concepts in your discipline
Learning basic sets of laboratory skills
Understanding the dynamic nature of your discipline
Understanding how your discipline applies to the real world
Remembering formulas, structures, procedures, or steps
Remembering chemical structures
Remembering formulas
Remembering procedures or steps
Applying quantitative reasoning
Solving problems
Evaluating credibility of sources in your discipline
Locating credible primary sources
Understanding information presented in primary sources
Developing creativity and innovation
Developing understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of your discipline (e.g., how biology relates to chemistry, how math relates to computer science).
Memorizing large quantities of information
Decision-making based on evidence
Developing oral communication skills
Developing entrepreneurial thinking
Analyzing data
Using software appropriate to your discipline
Computer programming
Interpreting data
Designing research studies

Question Title

* 26. In the undergraduate courses for your major (that is, taught by CMNS faculty), how often did instructors use these methods?

  1 (Never) 2 3 (About half my courses) 5 (In all of my courses)
Writing assignments (reflective writing, journals, essays, reports)
Extensive lecturing (more than 15 minutes per session without breaks for questions or active engagement of students)
Requiring you to memorize large quantities of information
Emphasizing major concepts or theories
Emphasizing the dynamic nature of your discipline
Relating course material to the real world
Inquiry-based learning (e.g., problem-based learning, case studies)
Relating course material to scholarly research
Teaching with an interdisciplinary approach (e.g., making connections between physics and biology, between math and computer science)
Communicating course goals and objectives to students
Answering questions from individual students in class
Administering a pre-test at the beginning of the semester to assess your prior knowledge
Assigning homework that counts toward final grade

Question Title

* 27. In the undergraduate courses for your major (that is, taught by CMNS faculty), how often were you asked to engage in the following:

  1 (Never) 2 3 (About half my courses) 5 (In all of my courses)
Working in groups during class time
Working in groups outside of class time
Discussing and exchanging ideas with classmates during class time
Taking exams that allow you to bring notes or a formula sheet
Applying quantitative reasoning
Solving problems
Reading primary sources
Completing assignments/activities that require creativity and innovation
Oral presentations
Analyzing data
Using software appropriate for my discipline
Computer programming
Interpreting data
Designing research studies
Using online class resources (e.g., videos, interactive modules, interactive textbooks)

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* 28. Please comment on whether the expectations you had upon entering the BS degree program at UMD (e.g., regarding curricula available, quality and interests of faculty, access to research, infrastructure) were met.

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* 29. Were you sufficiently exposed to the depth and breadth of topics within geosciences?

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* 30. Comment on the quality of advising that you received (both from the undergraduate director and members of the faculty) during the course of your undergraduate career as relates to your progress through the degree, itself.

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* 31. Comment on the quality of advising you received regarding career options upon completion of your degree, including post-degree placement options and opportunities received (both from the undergraduate director and members of the faculty).

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* 32. Do you believe you have been adequately trained in career necessities, such as proposal preparation, research presentations (verbal and written), laboratory experimentation, etc?

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* 33. What do you consider to be the best and worst attributes of the UMD Geology BS program?

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* 34. How would you most like to see the UMD Geology BS program modified?

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* 35. My one best memory of my education in the College of CMNS is…

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* 36. If I could change one thing about my educational experience in the College of CMNS, it would be…

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* 37. The data collected through this survey will be used to help us develop programs to improve teaching. We will also analyze the data as part of a research project to see how teaching practices and undergraduate education change over time. The data will be reported only in aggregate and direct quotes from open-ended questions will not be attributed to individuals. Do you give your permission for us to use this data for research?