1. Informed consent

Thank you for helping our research on adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions.
Please answer the following few questions about yourself to register your details on our research database. It will take less than 5 minutes to answer these questions. It is fine to leave out any questions that you don’t want to or can’t answer. Remember, filling in these questions does not mean that you are agreeing to take part in our research; it only means that we may contact you to tell you about relevant studies.
We really appreciate your help.
Detailed information about this database is available here.

Note: Online registration is currently available only for adult participants. If you are under 18 years of age, or if you are a caregiver for a child with autism, and would like to volunteer your child for our research, please email Dr. Fiona Knott (f.j.knott@reading.ac.uk).

Question Title

* 1. Please fill in the following questions to confirm that you consent to be part of this database.

I confirm that I have read the information sheet about the database and have had opportunities to ask questions about it.
I understand that the purpose of the database is to compile a list of adults who are interested in taking part in research. I know that it does not commit me to take part in any future research.
I understand that participation in the database is entirely voluntary and that I can have my name removed from it at any time.
I understand the database has been subject to ethical review by the Berkshire NHS Research Ethics Committee and/or the University of Reading Research Ethics committee.
I have read a copy of this consent form and am free to print out a copy for my own records.
I agree for my name to be included on the database,
11% of survey complete.