Information for Participants

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17% of survey complete.
Choice of Communication Method Among Hearing Parents of Deaf Children
Anne Marie O’Gorman, Postgraduate student M.Phil Linguistics. School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Studies, TCD. Supervised by Denise O’Leary

You are invited to participate in this research project which is being carried out by Anne Marie O’Gorman. Your participation is voluntary. Even if you agree to participate now, you can withdraw at any time without any consequences of any kind. The study is designed to investigate some of the things that influence parents in deciding how their child will communicate after they have been diagnosed with a hearing loss.

If you agree to participate, this will involve you providing some short background information on you and your child, and then reading some statements and rating to what extent you agree or disagree with them. You can fill this out at a time and place that suits you. The questionnaire involves a once-off time commitment of 10-15 minutes. If you would be willing to take part in an interview on the topic, please let the researcher know by email and a time that suits you will be arranged. A transcript of your own interview will be available if you request it.

There are no risks associated with taking part in this study. You will not benefit directly from participating in this research. I am not in a position to give advice about communication methods; however a leaflet will be available with contact details of organisations that provide support to parents of deaf children and to deaf people themselves.

The research may benefit the area of linguistics by providing more information on how parents decide how to communicate with their children.

Any information or data which we obtain from you during this research which can be identified with you will be treated confidentially. We will do this by ensuring questionnaires do not contain any identifying information. In the case of interview, real names will not be used when the project is written up. Information in the interviews that could easily identify you will not be included. The data will be kept securely in a locked cabinet and only Anne Marie O’Gorman and her supervisor will have access to it.

Data from this research project may be published in future. The original recording and all copies will be available only to the present investigator or to investigators in other academic institutions engaged in similar work. The recordings will be kept in a secure location in the School which will be locked when the researchers are not present. If copies are made available to researchers elsewhere, similar conditions regarding the storage and use of recordings will apply.

If you have any questions about this research you can ask me. You are also free, however, to contact any of the other people involved in the research to seek further clarification and information. This project is being supervised by Denise O’Leary (