Legislative Council Select Committee and Senate Standing Committee on Economics inquiries

25% of survey complete.
Dear AHI Member,

The NSW Legislative Council and the Senate Economics References Committee are both conducting separate inquiries into social, public and affordable housing.

The Select Committee on Social, Public and Affordable Housing is a current select committee of the NSW Legislative Council, established to inquire into and report on the demand for social, public and affordable housing in New South Wales. The Inquiry will be focusing on social, public and affordable housing supply and demand, and will examine the link between the lack of appropriate housing of this type and indicators of social disadvantage.

At the same time, the Senate referred an inquiry into affordable housing to the Senate Economics References Committee for inquiry and report.

The AHI intends to make submissions to both inquiries nationally and in NSW and we would like to invite members to contribute.

There are three ways to contribute:
- open discussion in the AHI LinkedIn Group;
- anonymous on-line survey
- express your interest in contributing by emailing to admin@housinginstitute.org.

Additionally, AHI President Donald Proctor intends to convene one or more phone conferences on each inquiry prior to finalising submissions.

The AHI closing date for NSW submission is Friday, 7th February and for the National inquiry submissions is Friday, 28th February.

We are using a secure online tool called 'SurveyMonkey' to conduct the survey. The information and opinions you provide in response to the survey will be treated in the strictest confidence and used in aggregated form only for our initiatives.

Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation!