About CDA 2030

The Coeur d'Alene 2030 Visioning Project is identifying our community's preferred 'destination,' a shared image of where we would like to be in the year 2030. CDA 2030 has launched a community-wide visioning process from July 2013-June 2014. When complete, this process will provide a framework for community plans, polices, decisions and investments that move the community closer to this vision.

Since the project launch, we've been holding community conversation around three main questions: where are we now, where are we going, and where do we want to be? On November 16, over 125 community members participated in a series of workshops to explore challenges, opportunities, visions, and strategies surrounding these focus areas:

Community & Identity
Education & Learning
Environment & Recreation
Growth & Development
Health & Safety
Jobs & Economy

Within these focus areas, actions to achieve our community's vision have more recently been drafted by an approximate 40 community member committee. By taking this survey, you will be providing input for each action by prioritizing the actions and offering your own additional ideas and insight. Each focus area contains a series of short action statement for that area. You will be asked to prioritize each action statement - is this a important action to complete in the near future (next 5 years).

Completing all six sections (one section for each focus area) should take at least 30 minutes. Feel free to answer as many as you would like or are able to. Your feedback will be incorporated into the action refinement process and it's greatly appreciated.

For question, comments and inquires, please email CDA 2030's project manager, Nicole Kahler at nicole@CDA2030.org or call 208-415-0112 to speak to her directly.

Thank you for your time and input.