7% of survey complete.
The board of directors of Oklahoma Methodist Manor (OMM) has commissioned a strategic planning task force to look ahead and to anticipate the future needs across the campus.

A major focus of the task force will be assisted living and this survey invites feedback that will help guide the planning process. A secondary focus will be a review of the age and efficiency of the main kitchen, maintenance offices, housekeeping offices, salon and the Arbor Dining Room. Feedback from the survey will help guide the planning process. The results of this survey will be available in June. The findings of the Strategic Planning Task Force will be published in the fall.

It is important to note that while it is likely that new assisted living accommodations will be constructed, the Holliman Assisted Living Center will remain in service until the completion of the new construction. Oklahoma Methodist Manor (OMM) will fulfill its promise to the members of the community by providing all existing services during the construction period, once the project has been approved.

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