1. Hedgeweek 2015 Global Awards Reader Survey

Question Title

* 1. Dear Reader,

Hedgeweek 2015 Global Awards

We are conducting a survey of the Hedgeweek readership to assess the best hedge fund performers and service providers during 2014 (for the twelve month period ending 30 November 2014) in a range of categories covering the entire hedge fund space. Managers and service providers are welcome to nominate their own funds/firms – with relevant justification.

Please make your nominations by completing this survey.

The deadline for nominations is early January 2015.

The results from this survey will be presented in aggregate and all individual answers to this survey will be confidential. The awards represent a key marketing opportunity for winners, who will be awarded their prizes at an awards lunch in London at the end of February 2015.

We look forward to sharing the results of this survey with you soon.


The Hedgeweek Team

Question Title

* 2. Please could you identify the type of company you work within, or the most appropriate sector of the industry you fit into.

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* 3. Please nominate the best macro fund

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* 4. Please nominate the best event driven activist fund

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* 5. Please nominate the best event driven merger arbitrage fund

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* 6. Please nominate the best event driven distressed fund

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* 7. Please nominate the best event driven multi strategy fund

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* 8. Please nominate the best relative value convertible bond arbitrage fund

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* 9. Please nominate the best relative value volatility arbitrage fund

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* 10. Please nominate the best relative value fixed income arbitrage fund

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* 11. Please nominate the best relative value multi strategy fund

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* 12. Please nominate the best equity short bias fund

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* 13. Please nominate the best equity market neutral fund

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* 14. Please nominate the best managed futures (CTA)fund

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* 15. Please nominate the best absolute return fund

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* 16. Please nominate the best UCITs - compliant product

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* 17. Please nominate the best diversified fund of hedge fund

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* 18. Please nominate the best specialist fund of hedge fund

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* 19. Please nominate the best index provider

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* 20. Please nominate the best North American hedge fund administrator

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* 21. Please nominate the best Asian hedge fund administrator

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* 22. Please nominate the best European hedge fund administrator

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* 23. Please nominate the best Offshore hedge fund administrator

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* 24. Please nominate the best North American prime broker

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* 25. Please nominate the best European prime broker

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* 26. Please nominate the best Asian prime broker

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* 27. Please nominate the best specialist market prime broker

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* 28. Please nominate the best managed accounts platform

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* 29. Please nominate the best UCITs platform

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* 30. Please nominate the best seeding platform

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* 31. Please nominate the best risk management software firm/supplier

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* 32. Please nominate the best fund accounting and reporting systems firm/supplier

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* 33. Please nominate the best managed account platform technology firm/supplier

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* 34. Please nominate the best European trading venue

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* 35. Please nominate the best North American Trading Venue

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* 36. Please nominate the best Asian trading venue

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* 37. Please nominate the best North American accounting firm

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* 38. Please nominate the best European accounting firm

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* 39. Please nominate the best North American regulatory advisory firm

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* 40. Please nominate the best European regulatory advisory firm

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* 41. Please nominate the best Offshore regulatory advisory firm

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* 42. Please nominate the best hedge fund services jurisdiction

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* 43. Please nominate the best North American public relations firm

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* 44. Please nominate the best European public relations firm

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* 45. Please nominate the best global insurance provider

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* 46. Please nominate the best global consultant in business strategy

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* 47. Please nominate the best data visualisation software provider

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* 48. Please nominate the best liquid alternatives administrator

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* 49. Please nominate the best cyber-security services provider

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* 50. Please nominate the best cloud services provider

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* 51. Please nominate the best North American law firm

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* 52. Please nominate the best European law firm

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* 53. Please nominate the best Offshore law firm

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* 54. Please nominate the best third party marketing firm

100% of survey complete.