Welcome to our Survey

West Cumbria Rivers Trust is working with partner organisations to develop a plan that will look at how the rivers and lakes are managed in our area and identify how, by working together, we can improve our water environment for people and wildlife.

Everyone has a part to play in securing the future of our rivers within the community. We all have a vested interest, whether it’s for drinking water, leisure and enjoyment or our business. Your input is vital to help us understand what rivers and lakes mean to you. This is your opportunity to help inform future work and projects to safeguard the water environment for generations to come.

Complete the survey and you will be entered into the prize draw. Prizes include:
1x day trout fishing on Lower Derwent – 2015
1x day salmon fishing on Lower Derwent – 2015
1x day open canoeing  on Derwent Water for a family (up to 4 people) in the spring / summer 2015
1x guided tour of river habitats/ restoration work in your local area

The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, depending on how much detail you choose to provide.