A Study Exploring the Relationship Between Students’ Perceived Stress, Coping Mechanisms and Persona

This is a study concerning individual’s perceived stress, coping mechanisms and personality. All data will remain anonymous, you are able to withdraw at any time without giving a reason and may request for your data to be excluded from the study until data analysis has been completed on 1st April 2015. You may also take a break at any time and you are not obliged to answer any questions that incite stress. All data are anonymous and will be securely stored before being destroyed via the University of South Wales’ Confidential Waste System upon completion of the study. Feedback would be greatly appreciated and feel free to ask any questions. There is no wrong answer so please take your time and be honest; there is no need to rush. Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 2. Student ID

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* 3. Age

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* 4. Gender

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* 5. Section A requires you to read each statement below and circling the number that you think best describes you; with 1 for strongly disagree and 5 for strongly agree. I see Myself as Someone Who....

  strongly disagree disagree a little neither agree/disagree agree a little agree strongly
is talkative
Tends to find fault with others
Does a thorough job
Is depressed, blue
Is original, comes up with new ideas
Is reserved
Is helpful and unselfish with others
Can be somewhat careless
Is relaxed, handles stress well
Is curious about many different things
Is full of energy
Starts quarrels with others
Is a reliable worker
Can be tense
Is ingenious, a deep thinker
Generates a lot of enthusiasm
Has a forgiving nature
Tends to be disorganized
Worries a lot
Has an active imagination
Tends to be quiet
Is generally trusting
Tends to be lazy
Is emotionally stable, not easily upset
Is inventive
Has an assertive personality
Can be cold and aloof
Perseveres until the task is finished.
Can be moody
Values artistic, aesthetic experiences
Is sometimes shy, inhibited
Is considerate and kind to almost everyone
Does things efficiently
Remains calm in tense situations
Prefers work that is routine
Is outgoing, sociable
Is sometimes rude to others
Makes plans and follows through with them
Gets nervous easily
Likes to reflect, play with ideas
Has few artistic interests
Likes to cooperate with others
Is easily distracted
Is sophisticated in art, music

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* 6. The questions in section B asks about your feelings and thoughts during the last month. In each case, you will be asked to indicate by circling how often you felt or thought a certain way, with 1 equalling never and 5 equalling very often.         In the last month how often have you....

  Never Almost never Sometimes Fairly often Very often
In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?
In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life?
In the last month, how often have you felt nervous and “stressed”?
In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?
In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way?
In the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do?
In the last month, how often have you been able to control irritations in your life?
In the last month, how often have you felt that you were on top of things?
In the last month, how often have you been angered because of things that were outside of your control?
In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?

Question Title

* 7. Section C requires you to read each statement and circle the number which best describes how often you do a particular behaviour, with 1 meaning you don’t usually do this at all and 4 meaning you usually do this a lot.

  I usually don't do this at all I usually do this a little bit  I usually do this a medium amount  I usually do this a lot
I try to grow as a person as a result of the experience.
I turn to work or other substitute activities to take my mind off things.
I get upset and let my emotions out.
I try to get advice from someone about what to do.
I concentrate my efforts on doing something about it.
I say to myself "this isn't real."
I put my trust in God.
I laugh about the situation.
I admit to myself that I can't deal with it, and quit trying
I restrain myself from doing anything too quickly.
I discuss my feelings with someone.
I use alcohol or drugs to make
I discuss my feelings with someone.
I use alcohol or drugs to make myself feel better.
I get used to the idea that it happened.
I talk to someone to find out more about the situation.
I keep myself from getting distracted by other thoughts or activities.
I daydream about things other than this.
I get upset, and am really aware of it.
I seek God's help.
I make a plan of action.
I make jokes about it.
I accept that this has happened and that it can't be changed.
I hold off doing anything about it until the situation permits.
I try to get emotional support from friends or relatives.
I just give up trying to reach my goal.
I take additional action to try to get rid of the problem.
I try to lose myself for a while by drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
I refuse to believe that it has happened.
I let my feelings out.
I try to see it in a different light, to make it seem more positive.
I talk to someone who could do something concrete about the problem.
I sleep more than usual.
I try to come up with a strategy about what to do.
I focus on dealing with this problem, and if necessary let other things slide a little.
I get sympathy and understanding from someone.
I drink alcohol or take drugs, in order to think about it less.
I kid around about it.
I give up the attempt to get what I want.
I look for something good in what is happening.
I think about how I might best handle the problem.
I pretend that it hasn't really happened.
I make sure not to make matters worse by acting too soon.
 I try hard to prevent other things from interfering with my efforts at dealing with this.
I go to movies or watch TV, to think about it less.
I accept the reality of the fact that it happened.
I ask people who have had similar experiences what they did.
I feel a lot of emotional distress and I find myself expressing those feelings a lot.
I take direct action to get around the problem.
I try to find comfort in my religion.
I force myself to wait for the right time to do something.
I make fun of the situation.
I reduce the amount of effort I'm putting into solving the problem.
I talk to someone about how I feel.
I use alcohol or drugs to help me get through it.
I learn to live with it.
I put aside other activities in order to concentrate on this.
I think hard about what steps to take.
I act as though it hasn't even happened.
I do what has to be done, one step at a time
I learn something from the experience.
I pray more than usual