Health Priorities

The Wood County Health Department, in partnership with Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital and Riverview Medical Center, is in the process of completing a Community Health Improvement Plan.

This process includes examining local county health data, identify local priority health areas, and identify community assets and resources.

Once our local priorities have been selected, community members will be asked to join implementation teams to assist in developing goals and objectives around these identified local health priority areas.

They will identify and develop evidenced-based strategies for the local health priorities, promote and implement these strategies, and evaluate the success of the strategies. Resources will be identified to mobilize the community to improve the health of Wood County residents.

We would like you to identify the Health Focus Areas that should be the priorities for the community for the next few years.

Considering the information (data) available on the Wood County Health Department website, the typed discussion points made by the Community Assessment Team, as well as your personal experience and insight, please complete the following survey.

Please complete by Wednesday, May 16th.

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* 1. First Name:

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* 2. Last Name:

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* 3. Please select the top three health focus areas for Wood County. (Select only 3)

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* 4. Thinking about each of your top three focus areas, are there target issues (i.e. access, awareness, consumption) or groups (i.e. children, youth, adults, older adults) that you would like to see specifically addressed in the Community Health Improvement Plan? Please identify the focus area and your suggested target issue or group.

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* 5. Asset Focus: What do you think are three assets or strengths about Wood County? (Community assets or strengths are characterizes and qualities about the community as well as available resources that promote health and improve the quality of life.)

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* 6. If you are interested in being part of the Community Health Improvement Process in the future, please list your contact information below.