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* 1. 1. Would you attend a weekly Fellowship of Awakening gathering on a Sunday?

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* 2. 1. Would you attend a Fellowship of Awakening weekend retreat lead by Rev. Yolanda and Rev. Glen and co-created by the group?

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* 3. 1. Would you attend a week long Fellowship of Awakening retreat lead by Rev. Yolanda and Rev. Glen and co-created by the group?

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* 4. 1. Would you support a $100 a week gathering space which includes piano, sound, lights and stage? (10 ppl @ $10 wk)

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* 5. 1. What day of the week is best for your schedule?

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* 6. 1. Is there a talent or teaching you would like to share with the Fellowship of Awakening?

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* 7. 1. What do like about the Fellowship of Awakening?

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* 8. 1. What would you like to improve about the Fellowship of Awakening?

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* 9. 1. Are you interested in Fellowship of Awakening as your primary spiritual weekly meeting?

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* 10. 1. Are you comfortable combining the Interfaith wisdom traditions with ACIM being the primary spiritual text and practice in the Fellowship of Awakening?