Your Opinion Matters to Us!

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* 1. How likely are you to sign up for the following CMCM workshops?

  Not likely at all. Somewhat likely. Very likely.
ABCs of Audio Engineering (Fundamental principles of achieving great audio -- on location or in the studio.)
After Effects Essentials (Take your video to the next level with motion graphics and visual effects.)
Digital Storytelling (Learn to structure your story for maximum impact from beginning to end.)
Film Music History: Art of the Film Score (How music supports film's aesthetic & narrative elements.)
Improv for Life (Channel the skills necessary to think on your feet and instantly expand on an idea.)
Interview Techniques (Draw out your subject with insightful thought-provoking questions.)
Making Music Videos (Interpret a song visually through art direction, camera work, and editing.)
Manifest Your (tele)Vision (Clarify your concept and get clear about the process of pre-production.)
Photoshop Fundamentals (Get comfortable and confident manipulating digital images.)
Presentation & Performance (Improve your communication skills on camera -- and off!)
Screenwriting (Uncover the secrets of creating a compelling script -- from concept to climas.)
Sketch Writing (Create your own sketch idea and capture it on video in the Marin TV studio.)
Social Media (Learn to leverage today's communication platforms to your full advantage.)
Works-in-Progress (Bring in a clip of your project for feedback from a former Hollywood film editor.)

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* 2. Do you prefer one-session, three-session, or four-session workshops?

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* 3. How affordable do you find CMCM classes?

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* 4. In general, how helpful do you find CMCM classes?

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* 5. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 6. Would you like a Marin TV T-shirt?  If so, give us your name and come into CMCM to pick it up.  Thanks!

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