Thank you for attending Direct Access to Achievement's Data Retreat at Lane ESD. Your feedback will help us refine our offerings. Please answer the questions below and add any comments or suggestions you might have. Please be sure to hit the NEXT button at the bottom; the first page applies to the overall Data Retreat and each page after that is for a breakout session.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate this session in terms of this statement: "This Data Retreat provided the knowledge I needed to apply the information in my professional life."

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* 2. Please rate your response to this question: "The two-day session increased my understanding of PLC/data teams."

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* 3. Please rate your response to this statement: "The Data Retreat allowed me time and opportunity to practice what I learned."

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* 4. Please rate your response to this statement: "The Data Retreat provided me with opportunities to interact with the content and with other adult learners."

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything we can do to make the next Data Retreat better?