Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. CPE Monitor Upload (Please provide the correct NABP # to ensure correct upload of credit)

Question Title

* 3.

Practice Setting

Question Title

* 4.

Learner Involvement

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Activity met my educational needs
Faculty presented the information in a high-quality and informational manner
Educational materials are effective
The interactive activity enhanced my learning experience
Learner assessments aided me to determine how well I attained the information and learning objectives

Question Title

* 5. Objective Attainment - Rate how well the following objectives were met during this activity

  Considerably Moderately Not At All
Understand the effect of prescription drug abuse on Georgia's families and cost to Georgia communities.
Recall Georgia-specific statistics on the impact of prescription drug abuse.
Identify sources and uses of medications most frequently abused in Georgia.

Question Title

* 6.

Do you feel that the activity was fair, balanced and free from commercial bias?

Question Title

* 7. The content of this activity

  Yes Somewhat Needs improving Not useful
Will help me improve patient care and safety
Will help me improve patient outcomes
Was of practical use to me
Provided new ideas or information that I expect to use in my practice
Addressed competencies pertaining to my specialty

Question Title

* 8. 2015 Continuing Education Feedback

  Yes Somewhat No
The Speaker was prepared, engaging and knowledgeable about CE Topic
Would you like to see CE topics similar to this at future conventions