1. Survey of Micro-46 Attendees. All answers anonymous.

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* 1. What was your overall impression of MICRO?

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* 2. What was your impression of the MICRO Workshops and Tutorials?

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* 3. What was your view of the Lightning Session of 1-minute paper presentations?

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* 4. What was your impression of the poster session?

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* 5. What was your impression of the UC Davis Conference Center as a venue for MICRO?

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* 6. What was your impression of Davis / Sacramento as a venue for MICRO?

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* 7. How was the organization of MICRO?

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* 8. After MICRO is done, what is your preferred method to access MICRO papers of interest?

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* 9. What is your preferred medium for reading MICRO papers after the conference?

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* 10. Please provide any other comments