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* 1. Your recent visit to the clinic was arranged by:

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* 2. If you made an appointment, how easy was it?

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* 3. If you called to make an appointment, how easy was our telephone answering system to use?

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* 4. Has our recent remodeling work affected your visit to our clinic?

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* 5. How helpful was our check in staff?

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* 6. How long did you wait in the clinic lobby?

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* 7. How helpful was your nurse?

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* 8. How long did you wait in the examination room before being seen by your medical provider?

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* 9. How well did your medical provider listen to what you had to say?

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* 10. How well did your medical provider answer your questions?

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* 11. How well did your medical provider explain your diagnosis?

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* 12. How well did your medical provider explain ways you can avoid illness and stay healthy?

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* 13. What is your overall impression of the quality of care you received at the clinic?

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* 14. Use the space below to add comments about your recent experience with St. Charles Family Care – Redmond.