1. 2010 NPPB Manager/Assistant Coaches Survey

Newbury Park PONY Baseball continually strives to improve the experience of each player. Improvements are achieved in many ways and one of them is continuous feedback from parents. This survey's purpose is to provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback about the season. Coaching "best practices" will be discovered and shared with all Managers. Your input allows us to learn what went well and where improvements can be made.

As a volunteer, a Manager and the Assistant Coaches play an integral part of each player's experience. As a league, we strive to seek volunteers who abide by the Mission Statement our league has developed. As a parent, your feedback is valued to help create a positive environment for each team, division and overall league.

This brief survey is to evaluate your Manager and Assistant Coaches from this past spring season. The majority of the survey evaluates the Manager followed by an evaluation of the Assistant Coaches at the end. Please be honest but fair when answering the questions. If a Manager or Assistant Coach was outstanding, please indicate so. If there are areas of improvement for that Manager or Assistant Coach, please indicate that as well. Managers will be provided with overall scores and summarized comments but the name provided at the end of this evaluation will remain confidential. We ask for your name at the end of the evaluation to confirm your child played on that team and if the league wants to follow up with you based on your comments.

Please submit only one survey per family for each Manager and Assistant Coach. If you had two children playing on different teams, please complete one survey per player.

The results will be confidentially tabulated and summarized by a LEAGUE BOARD MEMBER WHO WAS NOT A MANAGER. Thank you for your time to provide your feedback.

Josh Stephenson
Newbury Park PONY Baseball

14% of survey complete.