As a matter of course, established writers are being asked to write ‘trial scripts’ in order to be considered for long running series - in some cases even writers who have previously written for that same series. Writers are also being asked to engage in lengthy development of ideas before they are commissioned or paid - in one case a writer spent a whole year being asked to rework a pitch for free before being commissioned.

The Writers' Guild of Great Britain has objected to broadcasters about this growing practice in the strongest possible terms but we need concrete figures to strengthen our case. If you have been asked to write a trial script we need to know about it.

The findings of this survey will be CONFIDENTIAL and ANONYMOUS and will only be used as statistical evidence in publicity campaigns, parliamentary lobbying and in negotiations with the major production companies and broadcasters.

Closing date of survey 1st January 2014

Question Title

* 1. Are you a member of the Writers Guild? (We welcome your response whether or not you are a Guild member)

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* 2. How long have you worked as a television screenwriter?

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* 3. What area of television do you work in?

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* 4. Have you ever been asked to write a trial script when you have applied to join a writing team?

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* 5. How often has this happened?

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* 6. Please give the names of any production companies or programmes that have asked you to write a trial script. (This is optional. If you feel you can’t respond to this please ignore.)

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* 7. Please give a brief description of the work and the time involved.

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* 8. Have you ever written a trial script and subsequently been offered a commission?

Question Title

* 9. Since you started working as a television screenwriter has the expectation that you should work for free?

Question Title

* 10. Are there any other points you would like to make in response to this survey? If so please use this space.

Question Title

* 11. If you would like us to contact you regarding this survey, then please provide us with your email address or contact number. If you would rather not, that is fine.

Many thanks for completing this survey