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* 1. I have learnt something from visiting this website that will be useful in the future

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* 2. Please tell us something you may do differently after viewing the videos and resources on the website, or something you have learnt that is helpful?

We are looking for families, carers and professionals to tell us about the impact that viewing the resources has had on them. This will help the website team build a case for further support to develop the site. If you are happy to be named, and visiting this site has been helpful and/or will contribute to something you do differently in the future, we would be grateful if you could also email a couple of sentences about the impact of the site to Dr Jane Waite ( Of course, also contact us if there is something you think should be changed. 

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* 3. I am likely to recommend the resources and information on the website to other people

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* 4. The information was presented in an easy to understand way and terminology was explained. (If you thought that terminology wasn't explained, if you can please provide examples).

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* 5. What is your background (e.g. parent, carer, professional) and what did you like most and like least about the resources on the website? Please tell us why.