Question Title

* 1. What town or village do you live in?

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* 2. What is your age?

Question Title

* 3. How often do you visit the following open spaces?

  Most days Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Less often Never
Children’s play areas
Country parks, local countryside & woodland
Footpaths, bridleways, cyclepaths
Grass amenity open spaces
Local recreation ground or park
Outdoor facilities for teenagers
Outdoor tennis/netball courts, bowling greens
Playing fields for football, cricket, rugby
Wildlife areas, nature reserves
Golf courses
Artificial turf pitches

Question Title

* 4. How long are you prepared to travel to visit these different types of open spaces?

  Up to 5 minutes 6-10 minutes 11-15 minutes 16-20 minutes 20+ minutes Not applicable
Children’s play areas
Country parks, local countryside & woodland
Footpaths bridleways, cyclepaths
Grass amenity open spaces
Local recreation ground or park
Outdoor facilities for teenagers
Outdoor tennis/netball courts, bowling greens
Playing fields for football, cricket, rugby
Wildlife areas, nature reserves
Golf courses
Artificial turf pitches

Question Title

* 5. What is your preferred method of transport to get to the facilities listed below?

  Walk Bicycle Bus Car Not applicable
Children’s play areas
Country parks, local countryside & woodland
Footpaths bridleways, cyclepaths
Grass amenity open spaces
Local recreation ground or park
Outdoor facilities for teenagers
Outdoor tennis/netball courts, bowling greens
Playing fields for football, cricket, rugby
Wildlife areas, nature reserves
Golf courses
Artificial turf pitches

Question Title

* 6. Is there a need for more, the same or fewer of the following facilities in the district:

  More are needed There are enough There are too many Don't know
Children’s play areas
Country parks, local countryside & woodland
Footpaths, bridleways, cyclepaths
Grass amenity open spaces
Local recreation ground or park
Outdoor facilities for teenagers
Outdoor tennis/netball courts, bowling greens
Playing fields for football, cricket, rugby
Wildlife areas, nature reserves
Golf courses
Artificial turf pitches

Question Title

* 7. How do you rate the quality of the following facilities in the district?

  Very good Fairly good Satisfactory Fairly poor Very poor
Children’s play areas
Country parks, local countryside & woodland
Footpaths, bridleways, cyclepaths
Grass amenity open spaces
Local recreation ground or park
Outdoor facilities for teenagers
Outdoor tennis/netball courts, bowling greens
Playing fields for football, cricket, rugby
Wildlife areas, nature reserves
Golf courses
Artificial turf pitches

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* 8. What do you think are the most important qualities and characteristics for open spaces?

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* 9. What facilities would you like to see given priority for potential improvements?

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* 10. Please leave any further comments or suggestions