The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect as much information in advance to assist our Responsive Design Team with creating a new website design that meets the needs of your online business brand. Once this information is collected the team will get to work developing a mock-up of a new design for your website.

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* 1. DX1 Website Project Contact Information

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* 2. Is the physical address of the dealership on the live site correct?

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* 3. Is the primary phone number for the dealership that is displayed on your live site correct?

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* 4. Please list your Primary Website URL.

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* 6. How do you feel about your current website design? If there are things you like, please describe. If there are things you dislike, please describe.

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* 7. Do you want to stick with a similar color scheme to what you have on your current website, or are you open to change that? If you'd like a different color scheme than what you have now, please define if you have any requirements. Please advise if you'd like the site to be predominantly dark, light or a mix.

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* 8. Who are your direct competitors? Please provide site URLS. Additionally, anything else regarding how they compete with you that would be helpful, please provide.

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* 9. List 3 special or unique characteristics of your dealership - things that set you apart from your competitors.

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* 10. After reviewing your current website with DX1 are you still an authorized dealer for the current manufacturers being displayed on your Homepage? If not please list what should be removed

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* 11. Are there any additional manufacturers that should be added to the website homepage? If yes we will need the dealer ID for that manufacturer in order to turn them on.

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* 12. List out your top selling models at the dealership. This helps us make sure we select imagery that best fits the product that you sell the most.

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* 14. If your design selection was a Platinum Level- please take a look at the link below and hover over the "Brands" menu. This is an example of our Enhanced OEM Menu, which comes standard with all Platinum Level designs. See answer choices below after reviewing and let us know how you'd like to proceed.

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* 15. Are the hours loaded into DX1 correct?

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* 16. Are the social media accounts currently linked on your DX1 website accurate?

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* 17. List out the top 3 main focuses you'd like to see marketed on your homepage. (IE. Pushing new in-stock product, heavy focus on Service, used product, etc.)

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* 18. The DX1 Website Team will not edit any page content, page structure, navigation or sub-navigation structure. 
Mock approval is equal to Go Live approval

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* 19. Is there anything additional that you'd like your Website Designer to know?

Please remember that the design process cannot begin until this form has been filled out and submitted back to the DX1 Website Team. We look forward to working with you on this new website project and we greatly appreciate your time AND your business!