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* 1. What technologies do you use for social learning purposes at work?

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* 2. What do you think is the value of social learning in your organization?

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* 3. If your answer above was not "Wow, we're leading the pack here", tell us why? What's preventing your organization from embracing social learning fully?

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* 4. Have you pockets of teams within your organization embracing the use of social learning technologies fully? If so, where? And why do you think they are fully engaged in leveraging social learning technologies?

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* 5. As an individual, how long have you been using social learning technologies for your own personal learning goals?

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* 6. Do you currently have a learning project using social learning technology?

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* 7. In your opinion, is the use of social learning technology a fad?

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* 8. What percentage of your learning would you estimate could be done with the use of Social Learning technologies?

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* 9. Please type in the specific survey code given to you by one of our consultants.

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* 10. Thank you for your participation in this survey. Please provide your participant information to validate your responses.