Question Title

* 1. When thinking of the current 'configuration assessment' alerts and recommendations, please read the sentences below and indicate how much they resonate with you (1 - not at all; 5 - you can read my mind):

  1 - not at all 2 - sometimes I thought this but not very often 3 - I think of this often 4 - I think of this very often 5 - you can read my mind, I think exactly the same
configuration assessment alerts are too many
I want ‘recommendations’ I can search and consult online on a periodic basis to create my remediation action plan; I don’t like ‘alerts’ that look like reactive incidents, and get in the way of my operational routine
configuration assessment new machine-generated ‘recommendations’ I see in search are too many
I find it difficult to understand the priority of alerts and recommendations and understand what should I remediate first
I find it difficult to understand what the resulting impact/improvement would be to my infrastructure if I apply a specific recommendation, I am not sure how much it will benefit my operations
I and my manager need to understand how much improvement we will get, and in which area, if we apply a specific recommendation
Configuration assessment scans are too frequent, alerts get repeated too often - I don't have time to patch, my cycles are longer
Configuration assessment scans are too frequent, I think they consume un-necessary resources on my agents every day
I would like to be able to schedule the configuration assessment scans to run less frequently (i.e. once a month or once a week) so I have time to plan for remediation activities in my operational cycles
a single list of alerts and recommendation is too broad; I need to more easily pivot on each vertical technology (i.e. SQL or Active Directory), so I can involve the experts in my organization to remediate each of their specific areas

Question Title

* 2. How often do you use the ‘configuration snapshot’ and ‘configuration history’ pages?

Question Title

* 3. What are the most common tasks you use the ‘Configuration snapshot’ and ‘configuration history’ pages for? (1 – never; 5 – every day)

  1 - never 2 - sometimes 3 - often 4 - very often 5 - all the times (at least daily)
Check current properties of a computer or other object
Check when a given property has changed
Try to understand why rules triggered/if they were false positives alerts
Other (please specify below as well)

Question Title

* 4. How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely