Hi! Thanks for coming to this survey to SIGN UP for our coming meal rotation.

This meal rotation begins April 15th, and will (hopefully) run our usual Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday format.

As usual, the end date of this rotation will be determined by the number of people who sign up for each night. So, stay tuned!

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* 1. What is your name/family's name?

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* 2. Which evening(s) will you/your family come to dinner? (check all that apply)

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* 3. How many adults will come from your family on which nights?

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* 4. How many kids will come from your family on which nights?

No kids? You can skip this question!

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* 5. If any, what SPECIFIC DATES are you not able to cook for the given night(s) you/your family is choosing to attend?

(For example, if you are signed up for Tuesdays and Thursdays, you could say "I cannot cook on Thursday April 24th or Tuesday April 15th")

Totally flexible? You can skip this question!

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* 6. Would you be willing to cook during the first week of this rotation (i.e. March 4-6)? If so, please check off all evenings that would work for you (don't worry, you will only be assigned to cook one night!)

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* 7. Do you, or does anyone in your family, have any dietary needs? What are they?

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* 8. If there are potlucks this rotation, will you take on organizing one? This generally means collecting RSVPs and making it a fun time that people want to come to (fun can be as simple as choosing a theme). This should be the last rotation where this is required for a while, as we can start doing BBQs for potlucks.

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* 9. If you are a couple, do you prefer to cook together, or would you like to mix it up in the kitchen and have a different cooking partner from your spouse? If you are not part of a couple, you may skip this one!