On Thursday 24 July 2014, the World Curling Federation proposed a number of rule changes that Member Associations will be required to vote on, at their AGM in early September. The RCCC’s representatives attending the WCF AGM would like to make an evidence based and informed decision for each item, some of which will require that we subsequently make amendments to our competition rules in Scotland. We therefore seek input from members and will use this information to guide our voting for the items.

This survey presents each item and requires that you select Yes, No or Don’t Know. Then allows you to make a comment.

We appreciate that there are 12 rule changes and some are quite detailed but we value the views of our members and believe that your voice should be heard. Please use the Don’t Know option if there is an item that you aren’t sure about. This survey will close on Monday 25 August.

Thank you for taking the time to give us your views and comments.