Wilderness Challenge Program 2014

Dear Parents:

If you have been referred to this application by school or other professional staff your son or daughter may qualify for participation in the TriCity Family Services Wilderness Challenge Program. The Program was designed over 20 years ago to help graduating 8th graders and 9th graders who wish to develop valuable life skills that can aid in preparing them for their adjustment to high school. To see a 7 minute video presentation go to our website at www.tricityfamilyservices.org then scroll down and click on “Watch the Wilderness Challenge Video”. Our program takes place over eight days, (Friday, June 13th through Friday, June 20th), in the Boundary Waters Wilderness Canoe Area of northern Minnesota. The focus of the trip is to enable teens to develop peer relationships, team building, and problem solving skills through a multitude of natural challenges and guidance of trained staff. No prior camping or wilderness experience is required. Program initiatives are designed to match your teen’s physical and emotional readiness and at no time will your teen be forced to do anything that they feel unprepared to do.

If your son or daughter has interest in such an opportunity we strongly encourage you to fill out the attached application and send it to us as soon as possible. We also ask your participation in an informal meeting on Thursday, May 8th, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., at the Geneva Methodist Church at the corner of 2nd and Hamilton - This is 1 block north of Rt. 38). The program will be explained via a slide presentation and parents and teens will be given opportunity to ask questions about the program. A formal interview of teens and parents will also be part of that evening. A second essential part of our interview process includes a day in which your teen participates in teams course activities and are swim tested. This is important to us in determining your teen's readiness for the program. This will take place on Sunday, May 18th, 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. There will be no cost for teens accepted into the program other than a $75.00, deposit (refunded at the conclusion of the trip).

We look forward to meeting with you and your teen on the 14th of May.


Gregory D. Watson LCSW, LMFT, ACSW
Wilderness Program Coordinator

“Strengthening Youth through the Challenges of Nature
Positive Decision Making, Teamwork and Creating
Personal Success”