17% of survey complete.
UserWorks, Inc., a user experience design and usability research firm, is looking for people to evaluate a healthcare-related website.

We would like to invite you to participate in a remote usability test session, which would involve being on the telephone while you work with the website at the same time. This can be completed from the comfort of your home or office. During the session, we will ask you to walk through some activities using the website and give us feedback about your experience. Your comments and opinions will help improve the website for future users like you.

Sessions are available on Monday, July 21 through Thursday, July 24, 2014. Each session will take about two hours to complete and you would receive a $100 Amazon gift card in appreciation for your help with this research.

Please answer the following questions about yourself. If you qualify and are selected to participate, we will follow up with you by email or telephone. Please make sure you enter your email address and telephone number correctly so that we can reach you.

Your answers to these questions will be treated as confidential and will not be shared with anyone else, nor will your name, email address or other identifying information be associated with any data reported to our client.