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* 1. Please enter your contact information below.

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* 2. Please enter your 1 sentence testimonial for MWCC below, expressing how we have served you and what difference we've made to support your watershed efforts.

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* 3. Please enter your best 1 paragraph success story below, such as how you've restored a riparian area, worked successfully with landowners, etc.  If possible, include a story featuring a project for which you've used tools or resources provided by MWCC.  Ex. Networking at the Montana Watershed Symposium helped us develop the partnerships necessary for this project.  Also, if you have a story on Cinnabar Foundation's website and would like us to use it, please list the url below.

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* 4. Do you implement a year-end campaign for members/donations?

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* 5. What web address should we link to when MWCC is featuring your story?  You may use your homepage, a project page, or your annual campaign or membership/donations page (if applicable).

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* 6. Check here to confirm that you grant MWCC permission to use your testimonial and story within our marketing, outreach and fundraising endeavors.